Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday JAN 13th MHR

Maximum Heart Rate.

Thought I would post this independently as a sort of a 'tip of the day'.

The simple formula and one most commonly used is:

220 - your age = MHR

In may case, and since my birthday is only a few weeks away, would be:

220 - 59 = 161

However, the scientific community uses your weight and some other unknowns to get a more accurate MHR. Let's see how close the two are.

Formula: 210 - 1/2 age - (0.11 Xs personal weight + 4) = MHR

Using the same guinea pig again (me)

210 - 29.5 - (0.11 X 249 + 4) = MHR
180.5 - (27.39 + 4) = MHR
180.5 - 31.31 = MHR
149.19 = MHR

161 vs 149.19 may not make a whole lot of difference but could work a lot easier for someone overweight, out of shape, and not use to stressing the heart with vigorous exercise; be it aerobic, strength, or agility.

(my heart monitor doesn't do fractions so I will take the 149 and breath easy!)

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