Sunday, January 13, 2008

Thursday JAN 10th - The Bone Doctor

Dr J. Emory Chapman, Orthopaedic Specialist. What a man!

A modest bio I assure you! A leading lecturer throughout the U.S. on orthopaedic procedures and also served as a surgeon in an EVAC unit in Dessert Storm. I won't call him MASH Doctor but I think they changed the name from MASH to EVAC to avoid being associated with the TV show.

Anyway, enough about Dr. Chapman, He can start his own blog! After reviewing my MRI and doing several range of motion test and a gazillion questions, he informed me what I am experiencing is capsular impingement not a severe tear of the supraspinatus muscle/tendon in the rotator cuff.

Arthroscopic surgery is scheduled for Wednesday 01/23/08. Sounds like a simple procedure to me. (compared to having your muscle cut and stapled back to the bone!) We shall see how that goes. Details of Impingement Syndrome in the following link:

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