Sunday, August 10, 2008

Update/Review of the Tour (de Blubbier')

Just some passing notes of where I am in my latest adventure and thoughts in general of how it is going.

14 days of pedaling out of 29. (8 of the remaining 15 were on the road and dang near impossible to ride)

156 miles, 12 hours 57 mins

weight lost: 12 lbs.

I walked with Matt to the drug store to print some photos, about two blocks. Who can resist those blood pressure checks they have? I know they aren't sufficient for medical use but it does give us a reference point.
BP 130/57 Heart rate 64

Midway thru Stage and 2 and that is where we are...uh, I am :-)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Picture...

They say is worth a thousand words.
This may be the motovation for someone out there, it got my attention!
Here are 15,000...

Tip of the Day

You Can Cut Calroies the Easy Way:

You can improve your power-to-weight ratio without training any harder by drinking less of everything except water. According to a study of 46,576 American adults, during the past 37 years the number of calories adults consume from beverages such as soda, juice and booze has nearly doubled, to an additional 222 calories per day. That's enough to pack on about half a pound a week or 26 pounds a year. And vice versa, eliminating those calories should reduce 26 pounds a year.

disclaimer: that last line was mine, the rest was totally plagerized from Bicycle magazine, Sept 2008, p 36!