Sunday, December 7, 2008

Butt Lift

I got a butt lift last night. I have read many times (post-bike purchase) how important fitting you to your bike and fitting your bike to you is. I never really had a good feeling about the 'fit' I received from the nationa retail co-op chain. I always felt I was too low on the seat but had no idea how to adjust. Had the know how just not the expertise of where it should actually be. My calves seem to press against my thighs on the high end of the stroke. I knew to get full range and power, I had to be up higher than where my seat was now.

Then this months Bicycling magaine came and it gave a pretty simple guide for seat height anyway. Basically it goes something like this:

1. Have friend hold bike steady
2. Sit on bike, then stand with the heel of your right foot barely touching pedal.
3. This location is where your seat should be. You know where I am talking about.

My first inclination was, does OSHA know about this? My second was, this sounds more like a three person ordeal than two. One bike holder, one cyclist, one to measure or adjust the bike.

Then a light bulb goes out ( those that know me understand)
I think I can figure this out with the bike locked in the trainer. Sure did, I now sit 2.5 inches higher in the saddle and best yet, I took a road trip today. It was my best average mph since August!

Somewhere on here I will post my new bicycle, a tribute to the lady that 'fitted' me on my new bike. Seems this was her only concern.

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